Hi there! Welcome to our site and thanks for stopping by :) You can find here all the products from the online comic Three Under the Rain made by us with lots of love ♥
Who are we? I’m Brisa (she/her), the illustrator of Three Under the Rain, and together with Joan, the man of my life, we created this site with the hope it will bring happiness and love to your life. Oh, and there is also our dog Marly, a five years old labrador, who always offers us unconditional support in everything we do.
Three Under the Rain is a series of comics and illustrations based on our daily life and on the things we enjoy. After having this in mind for a long time, in September 2017, I uploaded my first comic on Instagram, and it soon started to grow and to get a lot of love from you guys :) so thank you so much, you with all your support, are the ones that kept me going and made all this possible ♥
ThreeUnderTheRain.com is something we put a lot of effort and work into. We wanted to be as much involved as possible in the creation and distribution of our prints and merchandise. That’s why we chose to print it all ourselves. Both prints and stickers are printed by us in our little studio, as well as cut. We also print the designs onto T-Shirts and tote bags, one by one. Last but not least are the beanies. No, we don’t knit them, we don’t have the ability for that, but we sew all the labels. All the things we sell here are made and packaged with lots of love and we really hope you like and enjoy them :)
So take a look, subscribe to our newsletter to know all the news and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
Brisa, Joan, and Marly